Hakko Soldering School

Increase knowledge and enhance soldering skills with Hakko Microsoldering course.

Our Microsoldering Courses can be attended by an organisation, for company upskill/teambonding, or as an individual user. With a variety of courses available with different degrees of coverage, you can choose the most suitable course to meet your soldering requirements.

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Hakko Soldering School
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Hakko Soldering School
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Hakko Soldering School

All courses follow the standards of JWES requirements to ensure comprehensive coverage of the soldering theory for Surface Mounted Technology (SMT) and Through Hole Components.

The practical trainings are designed according to the quality standard IEC61191/JISC61191.

A Certificate of Participation will be issued to students who have successfully completed the course.

Please note that the Soldering Courses are currently only available in Singapore.

Courses available:

  • Complete Soldering Skills 3-days Course covering both SMT and PTH, with recognized certificate endorsed by Japan (Based on IEC61191 standard)
Should you require more information about the course, or to book a session, kindly contact our sales team at sales@hakko.com.sg